The Healthcare IT Business Networking Group

The Healthcare IT Business Networking Group

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Maximize the Potential of Your Career through Online Networking

If you're a Healthcare IT Professional aiming to elevate your consulting business or professional practice, discover the Healthcare IT Business Networking Group (HIT BNG).

The HIT BNG is a specialized community of independent contract consultants and employee consultants who foster continuous learning, strategic planning, and relationship building within the healthcare IT sector.

What is the HIT Business Networking Group?

The HITBNG community of healthcare IT consultants are committed to fostering continuous learning, strategic planning, and relationship building within the healthcare IT industry.

Our community activities engage members using web applications like Microsoft Teams, virtual reality spaces like Immersed, and intelligent email application platforms that support 24x7 asynchronous collaboration.

Each week, we delve into topics like healthcare IT solutions, electronic health records (EHR), telehealth, and more—all tailored to meet the interests and needs of our members.

Benefits of Becoming an HITBNG Member

Access to Weekly Live Learning Events. Engage in live educational and informational events via Microsoft Teams and Virtual Reality applications and metaverse spaces like Neos and Meta Horizon.

Networking Opportunities. Connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals passionate about healthcare IT.

Personalized Guidance. Benefit from the advice and guidance of community members to achieve your healthcare IT career and business goals.

Knowledge Sharing. Leverage a platform to both share your expertise and learn from others in the healthcare IT field.

How Do I Participate in HITBNG Activities?

Participation in HITBNG activities is flexible and accessible. Join weekly live events held via Microsoft Teams web meetings and in virtual reality.

Can't make it to the live event? No worries—engage asynchronously via our community email, based on your own schedule.

Ready to Join?

If you believe that being a member of the HIT Business Networking Group can benefit your career and professional development in healthcare IT, we'd love to have you in our vibrant community!

To get started, review the community participation guide and send your email request to be added to our mailing list and receive event invitations.

Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your professional growth and business success in healthcare IT. Become an HITBNG member today!

Healthcare IT