VR Files Newsletter: Vol 1 Issue 4

VR Files Newsletter: Vol 1 Issue 4

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In This Edition

Virtual reality spaces have evolved into places where people meet to learn, socialize and be entertained. Those engaged in the performing arts, whether they're involved as performers, members of the production team, or performance participants, have embraced VR as a new medium that offers unique opportunities for all involved.

Topic of Interest: VR Educational Entertainment


VR educational entertainment, also referred to as edutainment, are events that are designed to educate through entertainment. VR denizens who engage edutainment venues can share experiences that cannot be replicated in the real or 2D computing world.

Featured Experiences

Carolina Eyck Thetis 2086

Carolina Eyck: Thetis 2086 - VR Album Release.  On April 15 2022, my friend a colleague, Dr. Jose Ferrer, produced a live VR music edutainment event in AltspaceVR, featuring Carolina Eyck, one of the world's foremost Theremin virtuosi.
Jose's imagination, creativity and VR World creation skills combined with the imagination and musical talent of Ms. Eyck, led to the creation of a unique and unforgettable VR music experience.
The Thetis 2086 VR World creation immersed event guests in a self-guided tour of virtual worlds created to feature Carolina's music compositions augmented by Jose's VR interpretation of her music.
The event provided an introduction to the Theremin musical instrument, and showcases the potential of VR performing arts for aspiring artists and art lovers, alike.
Engaging the event provides an introduction to the Theremin musical instrument, and showcases the potential of VR performing arts for aspiring artists and art lovers, alike.
Carolina Eyck – Thetis 2086– VR Album release event

Carolina Eyck

The Thetis 2086 VR Album Release represented a synthesis of the arts: storytelling, theremin music, and visual arts, to create a unique work of VR performance art.
Thetis 2086 VR Music experience is presently open to the public.  You can enjoy it in 2D mode from any computer, but the immersion from the 3D VR is how you´ll get the best experience. Just use the AltspaceVR app and look for the VR album hub - world code VUM122.

Who's Who

Dr. Jose Ferrer Costa is a medical doctor, acupuncturist, and passionate VR worldbuilder, dedicated mostly to health and wellbeing projects. He is also the Clinical Project Team Leader for the Educators in VR XR Medical and Healthcare Team Project.

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