Ensure Client Success with Cerner EHR IV&V Services

Ensure Client Success with Cerner EHR IV&V Services

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Maximize ROI, Mitigate Risk, and Deliver Stakeholder Value

In today's fast-paced and dynamic healthcare environment, ensuring that a healthcare organization's Cerner Millennium Electronic Health Record (EHR) platform is safe, compliant, and continuously delivers value to all stakeholders is critical to both healthcare organizations and patients.

Collaborating with my Cerner EHR platform consultants and Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) partners, we provide tailored integrated platform deployment and sustainment services, customized to meet our clients' needs.

Our goal and mission are the delivery and sustainment of Cerner EHR platforms, integrated systems, and software applications that delight healthcare service stakeholders, including executives, clinical, mental, and social services healthcare providers, business office managers and administrators, community healthcare partners, payers, and patients receiving care.

Our service delivery objectives in collaborating with healthcare leaders and Cerner EHR platform stakeholders include maintaining a focus on:

Patient Safety. Our IV&V services help identify and resolve configuration issues that could pose patient safety risks, ensuring that your EHR system supports safe and effective patient care.

HIPAA Compliance. We ensure that your EHR system complies with federal regulations, mitigating the threat of penalties and lawsuits related to patient data privacy.

Integration Issues. We address complex application and integration issues, enhancing the overall end-user experience and ensuring that your EHR system works seamlessly with other systems.

Fraud and Billing. By addressing potential fraud and billing errors, we help protect your financial interests and ensure accurate revenue cycle management.

Pre-Production Testing. Our services include continuous evaluation and improvement of pre-production test systems, focusing on functional integration, regression, and end-user User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to ensure the identification and resolution of critical issues associated with platform go-live, upgrades, and update events.

Cost Avoidance.  By identifying and resolving concerns and issues early in the project lifecycle, we help your organization avoid significant costs associated with ongoing rework, delays, and stakeholder dissatisfaction.

Continuity of Service.  We ensure seamless integration and performance from planning through to production, providing continuous support throughout the EHR implementation process.

Holistic Stakeholder Advocacy. We advocate for the needs and expectations of all stakeholders—healthcare providers, business office managers, community healthcare partners, patients, and governmental regulatory agencies—ensuring a balanced and comprehensive approach to EHR success.

Flexible and Comprehensive Services

Cerner EHR IV&V consulting services are flexible, providing fractional and part-time engagements to meet a variety of client needs. Key functional focus areas can be addressed, including risk assessment and mitigation, business systems requirements, and end-user UAT management.

Key project and sustainment consulting service roles can be fulfilled, including healthcare IT Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), healthcare EHR system and software development consultants, Critical Risk and Assessment (CR&A) consultants, EHR/HIT Business Systems Analysts/Consultants, and end-to-end UAT consultants and engineers.

Ready to Transform Your Cerner EHR Implementation?

To learn how my collaborative Cerner EHR IV&V Consulting Services can benefit your project or sustainment program, book a complimentary discovery session today or contact me to learn more.

Healthcare IT